Here’s the bad news: the fossil fuel industry is pushing for a radical expansion of “natural” gas infrastructure across the country. The industry bills natural gas — or fracked gas, as we prefer to call it — as the climate-friendly fossil fuel, but just the opposite is true: fracked gas can have as much or more impact on our climate as coal.

Increasing fracked gas exports would spell climate disaster, yet President Obama and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission are poised to do just that — on a massive scale. At least twenty coastal export facilities are currently being proposed, which would process and ship gas from across the country to be sold and burned overseas.

Now here’s the good news: we’re fighting back. On July 13th, fracktivists, climate organizers, and movement leaders from up and down the Eastern seaboard are coming together in Washington, DC to say NO to fracked gas exports. Will you join us?

Click here to RSVP for the rally with the Stop Fracked Gas coalition.

Here’s what Bill McKibben has to say about the July 13th action:

Be there.


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