We just sent out this email to our friends around the US who haven’t yet RSVP’d to the big rally in DC. RSVP to join in DC here, and if you’re not getting our emails click here!

Hi friends,

This weekend, tens of thousands of people will converge in DC to tell President Obama to move forward on climate. We’ll have signs and banners, chants and bullhorns, and we’ll be making a lot of noise to make sure the President gets our message.

But we know not everyone who cares about solving climate change and stopping Keystone XL can make it to DC. As a movement, we’re much bigger than even the tens of thousands who will be on the National Mall, and we need to make sure the President gets that message too.

Here are three ways that you can be a part of the action even if you can’t make it to DC:

1) Join the Thunderclap

We’re using a new online tool to amplify our voices on Twitter and Facebook. It’s called Thunderclap — because together, that’s how loud we can be. We’re hoping to get 10,000 people on board — click here to join: 350.org/thunderclap

When you sign up, Thunderclap will schedule a message to go out from you with a link to the Livestream during the rally — but only if we can get 10,000 people to join as well. Together we can (literally) reach millions of people with a message during the rally.

2) Submit Your Photos

There will be a giant screen at the rally, showing photos and messages of support from across the country — to get your message on the screen, take a photo showing your support for the action, or of a part of your community that you want protected from climate change, then email it to [email protected], with your location in the subject line. (Or, you can post your photo to Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #ForwardOnClimate).

We’ll pick out the best ones to put on the screen for tens of thousands of people to see, just outside the White House.

3) Share Your Sign

Finally, the web team put together this nifty sharable sign-maker that you can use to make a custom sign declaring your support for the action. They’re beautiful, and easy to share on your social networks. Check it out: sign.350.org

Living through this moment in history might sometimes seem like a stroke of bad luck. Every era wrestles with injustice, government inaction, and some degree of existential threat — but the scale and urgency of the climate crisis is truly unparallelled. On the other hand, we live in world where so many new things are possible: we have communications tools that can bring us together in new ways, making our movement stronger, bigger, and more democratic.

At 350.org, we know that mass offline action — marching in the streets, writing letters to elected officials en masse, and gathering in our communities — is absolutely essential. Combined with the power of our new communication tools and a distributed network of activists, we can create a surround-sound campaign that will be impossible to ignore.

Let’s get loud,


P.S. Speaking of writing letters to your elected representatives: this morning I met with our allies who helped share the open letter and survivors of Superstorm Sandy to deliver the letter to the White House. The final count was almost 250,000 signatures calling on President Obama to take action. Thank you for signing on — your voice is going to make a difference. Here’s a photo from this morning:

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
