350 Faith LogoWhen announcing the Dalai Lama’s endorsement of the 350 ppm target on Monday, I mentioned that there would be much to report regaring communities of faith joining the 350 movement this week.  Well, the latest news is from right here on the 350.org website…

We are very pleased to announce this week the launch of the Interfaith Call for 350, found here: www.350.org/interfaithcall

350 represents more than just a scientific benchmark for a safe climate – there are also deeply moral and spiritual reasons for getting the world back below 350 ppm CO2.  Social justice, creation care, stewardship, earth community, beloved community — there are many ways we can name and express our moral and spiritual perspectives related to this issue.

Starting this week, we invite people of all faiths and all traditions to join with us in prayer, meditation, action, and celebration for 350.  You can click here to sign the Interfaith Call for 350, and you can also learn more about ways that churches, mosques, synagogues, and people of all traditions are joining in for the October 24 global day of action for 350 here: www.350.org/people/faith

This interfaith call was initiated by 350 supporters and allies and the language developed by people of many faith traditions.  We hope for it to be a powerful way for people of faith, around the world, and of all faiths, to join together in calling to set below 350 ppm co2 as the goal our world must seek.  There are no strict perameters regarding what faith means for this call — “spiritual, but not religious” folks are perfectly welcome to join in this call.  If you agree with the call and care to join the movement, please add your voice and pass it on to all you know around the world: www.350.org/interfaithcall

And many thanks to all the 350 supporters and leaders who helped to develop and launch this initiative!

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
