Keep coal, oil, and gas in the ground

We have the solutions, it’s up to us to use them and achieve a better future. Let's break free from fossil fuels, and embrace a renewable energy revolution once and for all!

The dying fossil fuel industry is trying everything it can to stay relevant, as solar and wind become cheaper, more efficient and more scalable every year. Coal mines, oil fields, fracking wheels, pipelines and all kinds of fossil fuel structures have no place in our world and need soon to become just part of history!

Renewable solutions rooted in justice can transform society, providing access to energy, lowering bills and ensuring power to people and communities. They are affordable and available. We need to move resources from fossil fuels into scaling up renewables – and we need to do it fast! Fierce grassroots campaigns across the globe are targeting dirty fossil fuel developments and pressuring decision-makers to open the way for community-centered renewable solutions.

Join us! Together, we can make fossil fuels history and unlock the renewable energy future the world needs!

Take Action

We believe in our collective power for stopping the climate crisis. And every and each one of us can make a difference.


Banks: don't support the East African Crude Oil Pipeline

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Tell Biden: Reject the Mountain Valley Pipeline!

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Say no to oil exploitation in Virunga

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We have already achieved many wins. And our collective power is what makes us strong against some of the world's largest and richest corporations! By sharing knowledge and information, we potentialize collaboration.


Climate Science

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People's Dossier: people power fighting fossil fuels all around the world

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Movies to Keep it in the Ground

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Here is some more in-depth content on fossil fuel finance, from, our partner organizations, or the media.

Unextractable fossil fuels in a 1.5 °C world: this scientific study shows that 60% of oil and fossil methane gas, and 90% of coal must remain unextracted to keep within a 1.5 °C heating

World in Data: Fossil Fuels extraction numbers, our energy mix and renewable energy generation all around the world

Carbon Tracker resources: infographics, videos and insights

Emissions Gap Report: a tool by Climate Tracker that assesses the expected absolute emissions in 2030 and compares these with emissions consistent with benchmark pathways in line with the 1.5°C Paris Agreement goal

Introduction to Campaigning: develop a good sense of what makes a grassroots campaign, learn from success "Keep it in the Ground" campaigns and think through key questions to run your own campaign

1.5°C Action Toolkit: the impacts from climate change are significantly worse at 2°C than at 1.5°C for all of the Earth’s systems. In this toolkit you ill find resources to communicating why every fraction of a degree matters in our fight to stop the impacts of climate change

For older press releases or media contacts, visit our media page.

Explore our campaigns

Climate finance
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Solutions for climate change
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► Help build a powerful climate movement.

We believe in a safe climate and a better future — a just, prosperous, and equitable world built with the power of ordinary people. Help us get there!
