As Governor Brown heads to Paris, please take a minute to send him this short film featuring the communities who are living with the direct impacts of extraction and climate change. 

Many of those most affected by Brown’s climate policies won’t be in Paris this week – but it’s critical that their stories be heard by those in power.

Share this video with Governor Brown to make sure he knows what’s at stake for the people of California and the climate (clicking will open an email with a message that you can  edit – otherwise you can copy and paste the text at the bottom of the page). 


During a historic drought, Governor Brown has given the oil industry a free pass at the expense of communities and the climate. To truly be a global climate leader, Governor Brown must take a stand against fracking and Big Oil. When it comes down to it, every oil and gas well in California gets us further from our goal to slow the impacts of climate change.

Regardless of the agreements that come from the U.N. Climate talks in Paris, Californians will continue doubling down on our commitment to stop the expansion of fracking and drilling in its tracks. We will keep marching, we will keep taking action, and we will keep holding elected officials accountable.

Governor Brown is touching down in Paris, and we need to remind him what’s at stake for the people of California and the climate.


To: [email protected]

We Need Real Climate Leadership


These are the voices of communities living with the impacts of oil and gas drilling in California.

They can’t be in Paris, but their stories must be heard. Please watch this film and show true climate leadership in Paris by committing to stop dangerous extraction in California.

Please hear their call for action, and help California lead the way to a fossil free future.

(Your Name)

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