We just sent out this email to our friends around the world. Not on our email list yet? Sign up here to receive crucial updates from the climate movement. 


I immediately added my name to this open letter to President Obama calling for bold climate action, and I hope you will too.

President Obama is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to tackling climate change, but he’s a very important piece.  This letter lays out exactly the kind of leadership we need from him in the coming 4 years. It calls for a rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline (the first and maybe simplest test of his seriousness on climate), a strong carbon rule that would address pollution from existing coal plants, and a number of other things which will need his attention right away.

The letter was written by our friends at CREDO, and the full text is below. In these early moments of Obama’s second term, it’s important that we are vocal about our high expectations. The more people who sign on, the louder our message will be.

Please add add your name here: act.350.org/signup/an-open-letter-to-president-obama/

We’ll deliver this letter in bulk a few days before our big action in DC on February 17th, and I hope to have your name alongside mine when we do.

Thanks again,


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