Last week we handed over our 35,000 strong petition to NZ Rugby and met with Acting CEO Nicki Nicol to discuss the campaign. The petition was well received, and NZ Rugby is in conversation with AIG about the issue. Now it’s time to put direct pressure on AIG to drop Adani.

Ring AIG to Stop Adani

So far, we’ve been leveraging the power of AIG’s favourite partner. We know that if AIG risks losing its relationship with NZ Rugby and the All Blacks, it would stop insuring Adani immediately. We also need to make sure AIG knows loud and clear that New Zealanders will not stand by and let it insure one of the biggest coal mines on the planet.

First thing this morning we’re going to pick up our phones, dial 09-355-3100 and ask AIG to stop insuring the Adani coal mine. 

If 10 of us ring AIG, the customer service representatives we speak to will learn about the issue and might mention it to their manager. If 100 of us ring it’s likely to get reported up to senior management. But if thousands of us ring AIG, the company will have to put a plan in place to manage the surge of calls, and genuinely question whether it’s worth being associated with the Adani coal mine.

Will you join us and take 5 minutes to ring AIG?

Yes, I’ll ring AIG to Stop Adani

No insurance company should be backing a project that discounts the native land titles of the Wangan and Jagalingou people and threatens the world’s chance to limit the climate’s warming to 1.5 degrees. We’re facing a climate crisis and its destructive and irresponsible to enable any new coal project to go ahead.

We’re not asking AIG to put a toe over the line. AIG Insurance is currently the odd one out, given that 16 other insurers and 59 corporations have ruled out supporting the Adani Carmichael project. The project is too risky for the planet and for their pockets. Join our power and ring AIG to bring them onside.

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