In late 2014, multimedia producers Isaac Kestenbaum, Josie Holtzman and their project “Winters Past” traveled to remote Alaska, to talk to people on the front line of climate change.

They returned with tales of ice fishing, “The Hairy Man,” goose calls, seal oil, dog mushing—and stories about how Native American elders foretold a warming world, and what they said would follow.

Presented in partnership with the platform Cowbird, the project provides unique window on what life is now like in the north.

Here are 3 of the stories we think people really need to hear. Check out the whole project here.


Racing Weather and a Changing Iditarod

Professional racer Pete Kaiser talks about his training schedule and unusual weather during recent Iditarod races.


“Everybody up here is Convinced…”

Linda Jeschke, Chief of Interpretation at the Western Arctic National Parklands, talks about how people in Alaska view climate change differently than the rest of the country.


“One of these days it will become warm”

Elena Fox, 82, originally from Nanvarnarllak, Alaska, remember what winters were like when she was growing up—including how the elders used to foretell a warming world. Recorded at the Eddie Hoffman Senior Center in Bethel, Alaska. Translation by John Active.

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