Our Power

We’re calling for action on climate and affordability to build a better future for all.

Join a local campaign

Demand federal action

Our Story

Even though the majority of people in Canada believe that we need urgent action on the climate crisis, Big Oil has many people convinced that bold climate action is in conflict with tackling the affordability crisis. But we know the truth. Fossil fuel CEOs are right there with the rest of the billionaire class raking in obscene profits while everyday people struggle.

We refuse to let Big Oil keep lying to the public. Our dependence on fossil fuels is one of the biggest reasons why people are struggling to pay their bills in the first place. As fossil fuel companies keep on exploiting the affordability crisis, it’s becoming more and more expensive for people to fuel their cars, heat their homes, and foot the bill for climate disasters wrecking their communities.

There’s good news. While pretty much everything gets more expensive, the cost of renewable energy is getting cheaper everyday. That means building clean, carbon-free infrastructure to power our homes and get around isn’t just good for the climate, it’s good for everyday people.

Our Voice

We can make a difference by building support in our communities for real climate solutions that tackle GHG emissions while making life more affordable for all.

We will bring together people in our community and more information explaining what that looks like will go here

Then we will demand federal action to do more  and more information about that will go here.

Demand Federal Action from the Government

Sign your name to demand that the federal government unleash direct funding to local communities in support of bold local climate initiatives. We need the government to pay for a just transition away from an economy dependent on fossil fuels. It would distribute federal funds to rapidly decarbonize our society.
