May 19, 2016 Responds to NEB Approval of Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Expansion Project

Vancouver, BC – Cameron Fenton, Canadian Tar Sands Campaign Manager had this to say in response to the National Energy Board recommendation to build the Kinder Morgan Pipeline.

“Climate change, the risk of a tanker spill, community opposition or a lack of First Nations consent; however you add them up, building the Kinder Morgan pipeline just doesn’t make sense. The recommendation made by the National Energy Board doesn’t change the simple fact that the Kinder Morgan pipeline will never be built.  It is time that the fossil fuel industry and the Canadian government realize that building this kind of project now is completely contradictory to real climate action and a move to 100% renewable energy.” 

Photos from recent Break Free protests are available here.

Photos from recent Kinder Morgan tanker blockade are available here.


Contact: Amina Moustaqim-Barrette, [email protected], (514) 229- 5843
