February 11, 2015

350.org Calls Keystone Vote a “Love Letter to Big Oil”

Brooklyn, NY — 350.org Executive Director May Boeve issued the following statement on this afternoon’s House vote to approve the Keystone XL pipeline:

“We’re looking forward the President vetoing this love letter to Big Oil. The members of Congress who voted for this bill took on average eight times more money from the fossil fuel industry than those who voted against it. This whole legislative charade has served as a reminder of how dangerous Keystone XL is for our country, communities, and climate. It also seems to have stiffened the President’s spine–he’s never looked more willing to reject the pipeline once and for all.”

Instead of listening to climate deniers Congress, President Obama should heed the advice of the nearly 100 scientists and economists who released a letter earlier today urging the President to reject Keystone XL.

