January 31, 2019

350.org local group MN350 on Deep Freeze and Trump tweets

Minneapolis, MN — With temperatures across the Midwest plummeting to as low as -70℉, the death toll and devastations from these extreme conditions is increasing. As places such as Wisconsin and Illinois declare states of emergency and postal services halt, Donald Trump tweeted about needing more global warming. Meanwhile, scientists underscore this is Arctic weather moving further south because of warming air at the north pole. The latest polls underscore a record level of people in America are concerned about climate change.

In response to the Mid-West deep freeze and Trump’s tweet, Kevin Whelan, MN350 Executive Director, said:

“Trump’s tweet about needing more global warming is a slap in the face. We know climate chaos increases extreme weather, including this deep freeze. Like all climate damages, it’s most deadly for people who have the least resources to stay safe. Fossil fuel dominance of our politics is making harsh conditions deadly is no laughing matter. Minnesotans are good at taking care of each other in emergencies, so we are helping each other stay warm AND moving a 100% clean energy agenda at the State Capitol.”


Contact: Thanu Yakupitiyage, [email protected], (413) 687-5160
