October 5, 2017

350.org on Defeat of Energy East Tar Sands Pipeline

In response to TransCanada’s announcement that they will pull the plug on their Energy East pipeline proposal, Aurore Fauret, Tar Sands Campaign Coordinator at 350.org issued this response:

“This is proof positive of two things – first, that climate action and pipelines don’t mix. Second, that organizing works. Today is a good day for people and the planet.

Justin Trudeau and Jim Carr stood behind a climate review for Energy East, and that’s admirable, but it also makes me wonder why they don’t have the same concerns about Kinder Morgan, a pipeline they approved without considering the climate impact.”

Sara Shor, 350.org Keep It In The Ground Campaign Manager added:

This decision should send shudders down the spine of Keystone XL supporters. The same logic that killed Energy East should help kill Keystone XL. These pipelines are bad for the climate, bad for communities, and bad for business. With the world quickly turning to renewable energy, there’s no need for more outdated fossil fuel projects.

Bill McKibben, author and 350.org founder, added:

“The world is grateful to the Canadians and Indigenous peoples who organized against this project. The climate math is sadly simple–the carbon contained in Alberta’s tar sands must stay there. Nothing else that Canada could do to help stabilize Earth’s climate matters anywhere near as much.”


Contact: Cameron Fenton, [email protected], 604-369-2155

