October 31, 2017

350.org on U.S. Department of Justice ExxonMobil settlement

New York, NY — In response to reports of the Department of Justice air pollution settlement with ExxonMobil, Lindsay Meiman, 350.org’s U.S. Communications Coordinator, said:

“The fossil-fueled Trump administration letting ExxonMobil off the hook with a slap of the wrist should send a Halloween spook down all of our spines. Scott Pruitt has already turned the EPA into the Environmental Polluters Agency by slashing environmental and public health protections. These mild fines are tiny compared to the colossal wealth of fossil fuel elites, and will only embolden Exxon and its ilk in exploiting our planet for profit. We will not be distracted from the much larger crime: Exxon’s decades of lies and destruction of our climate and communities. It’s up to all of us to hold them accountable.”


Contact: Lindsay Meiman, [email protected], +1 (347) 460-9082

For more on all that #ExxonKnew, visit: exxonknew.org
