October 24, 2018

From Newfoundland to Nanaimo Hundreds Deliver Landmark Climate Report to Members of Parliament

A week after an emergency debate in the House of Commons, people across Canada call for politicians to increase climate ambition

Winnipeg, MB – Earlier this morning, around 10 people entered the office of Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South Centre Jim Carr carrying copies of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Global Warming of 1.5 °C report. Made up of constituents of Carr’s riding, the group each delivered a copy of the report with a request that Carr pledge to “propose, champion and support legislation to update Canada’s climate policies and bring them in line with the urgency called for in the IPCC report”.

“The IPCC report made it clear that Canada isn’t doing enough when it comes to tackling climate change, we’re here today to make it clear, we expect our MP’s to change that,” said Clayton Thomas-Muller, a constituent of Jim Carr’s riding and Stop-It-At-the-Source campaigner with 350.org. “Whether it’s Jim Carr or Justin Trudeau, every single MP needs to understand the clear science that says we need to stop expanding fossil fuels and build a 100% renewable energy economy that respects Indigenous rights and works for everyone.”

The delivery to Jim Carr came on the heels of deliveries to other MP’s in Eastern Canada, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister of Transportation Marc Garneau.

“There’s a clear gap between our government’s climate promises and our country’s climate policy,” explained 350.org’s Canada Campaign Manager Aurore Fauret, who joined Montreal residents in delivering the report to Garneau. “Yesterday’s carbon price was an important step, but as the IPCC report shows, it’s nowhere near enough.”

Deliveries are expected to continue through the day at the offices of Members of Parliament from every political party.

“Politicians spending the last three decades refusing to line up our policy with climate science is why we’re in this mess,” Thomas-Muller added. “Today, a year out from the next election, we’re sending a message all across Canada, it’s time for politicians to stop talking about doing what it takes to tackle climate change and actually step up and do it.”

You can find more information about the deliveries at https://gofossilfree.org/canada/deliveripccreport/ and follow along live with the hashtag #1point5CA


Contact: Cameron Fenton, [email protected], 604-369-2155
