July 22, 2020

350.org joins 110+ organizations in support of a Frontlines Climate Justice Executive Action Platform

USAWe are in a climate crisis and a public health crisis exposing the deep fissures of inequality in America. Black and Brown communities live with more pollution, making them more vulnerable to COVID-19. A Climate Justice President must be ready to address decades of environmental inequality immediately using the full powers of the Executive branch.

Today, 350.org and more than 110 groups across the country launched an executive action agenda laying out how the executive branch can take immediate action at the intersection of climate, racial justice, and economic transformation. 

“This platform speaks to the climate movement’s commitment to justice and equity. We are holding fast to our demand for the next President to take immediate and transformative action supported by science. The compound crises of COVID-19, racial injustice, and climate change are being paid for in struggle throughout the lives and livelihoods of Black and Indigenous Peoples, and poor families on every frontline, many of whom are already surviving on mutual aid, and a unified demand that democracy delivers,” said Tamara Toles O’Laughlin, 350.org North America Director.From a responsive civil structure and executive branch, to federal agencies that provide resources and empower the people, we demand the next President commits to end fossil fuels, hold polluters accountable, and stand up for climate justice and human rights.”

The platform identifies actions in 4 basic critical areas that speak to the policy work and movement-building that frontline leaders in the climate movement have developed over many years, as they have forged a clear vision of equitable and resilient social and economic transformation:

  1. Environmental Justice: Protecting frontline communities from continuing harms of fossil fuel, industrial, and built environment pollution.
  2. Just Recovery: Ensuring just and equitable recovery from, and resiliency against, climate disasters.
  3. Climate Equity Accountability: Elevating equity and stakeholder decision-making in federal climate rules and programmatic investments.
  4. Energy Democracy: Remaking the monopoly fossil fuel energy system as a clean, renewably-sourced, and democratically-controlled commons.

Please see and share the Frontlines Climate Justice Executive Action Platform here.

