People across five continents will take part in the Rise for Climate mobilisation to showcase real climate leadership and step up pressure on governments ahead of the Global Climate Action Summit in September.
GLOBAL — Tens of thousands of people will take part in the Rise for Climate mobilisations on and around September 8 with distributed local actions in towns, institutions, universities, and houses of worship around the world – these actions will drive climate action within our communities and send a clear message to governments about what the will of the people really is ahead of the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS).
GCAS, hosted by California Governor Jerry Brown, will take place on the 12-14 September and will be attended by governments, cities, businesses and other stakeholders – it is intended to showcase climate action by non-state actors taking place around the world and inspire deeper commitments from national governments. The Rise for Climate mobilisations will set the bar for the Summit by demonstrating what real climate leadership looks like and challenging governments to accelerate progress towards a just and equitable transition to 100% renewable energy for all while stopping all new fossil fuel projects and embarking on a just and managed decline of existing production.
Diverse groups representing faith, youth, justice, labour and cities are supporting the Rise for Climate mobilisation that springs from the fast-growing grassroots climate movement. Notable actions will include: tens of thousands taking to the streets of San Francisco, USA; a continental day of action in Australia, several events planned across the Pacific islands and Africa including local renewable energy summits, actions across major European cities with a major march planned in Portugal and a flagship event in Kiev, Ukraine; creative actions in Latin America and virtual marches planned in East Asia.
Through these actions we will collectively demand even more from local and national governments across the world at this critical juncture where people’s livelihoods are at stake due to the growing impacts of the climate crisis. This mobilisation is part of a larger wave of global mobilisations unfolding this year including Reclaim Power and Global Frackdown – together these actions will help to build a groundswell of support for real climate leadership, pile the pressure on national leaders that are falling short of their commitments, and create the right momentum to secure a fast and just transition to an equitable world by 2020.
Hoda Baraka,, [email protected], +2-01001-840990
Thanu Yakupitiyage,, [email protected], +1-413-687-5160
Brett Nadrich, GreenFaith, [email protected], +1-732-588-6162
David Turnbull, Oil Change International, [email protected], +1-202-316-3499
“This global mobilisation sends a message to governments around the world: we have the momentum to achieve a fast and just transition to a sustainable and equitable world because more and more communities worldwide are leading the way towards 100% renewable energy for all, while also preventing new fossil fuel projects from being built. Governments must take a lesson from local leaders because the science is clear, the technology for the energy transition is ready and we demand bold action now.” Payal Parekh, Program Director,
“The people are the solution. Through the mobilizations peoples will demand that governments act in line with the requirements of science by cutting emissions at source in proportion to historical responsibilities. In Cochabamba, Bolivia, in 2010 the people made a clear declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth and what must be done to tackle climate change. Those demands, including payment of climate debt, are inescapable and demand global attention.” Nnimmo Bassey, Director, Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF)
“The world is changing. Economies are changing. Transitioning to 100% renewable energy is our only guarantee for jobs, security and prosperity for everyone. This is why we must all rise and demand a quick transition to renewables.” Climate Action Network Executive Director Wael Hmaidan.
“People of all faiths and spiritualities around the world know that the Earth is sacred, and that Earth’s protection is our sacred duty. The danger that climate change poses to our precious planet challenges us to rise, on Sept 8 and everyday, to defend life.” Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo, Latin America Director, GreenFaith
“Communities continue to rise up to beat back an out-of-control fossil fuel industry across the globe. They know that if we are going to meet our climate goals, we must work together to stop all new fossil fuel development and ramp down existing production in a just and managed transition to renewable energy. These mobilizations will be the latest show of force by an ever-strengthening movement that is blocking pipelines, shutting down coal mines, and stopping oil and gas drilling every day. We couldn’t be prouder to be a part of it.” David Turnbull, Strategic Communications Director, Oil Change International
I’m sure that youth not only in California but worldwide will be standing and rising for climate together. Denouncing that our communities are threatened and showing that social justice through climate justice is the only way that we can move forward. Iago Hairon, Engajamundo’s General coordinator – Brazil
“For the EECCA region (Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia), which for a number of reasons is known for its conservative fossil fuel policy, this mobilization of ordinary citizens and activists is particularly important, one of the few ways to directly influence the policies of oil and coal companies. Namely, create public opinion, which at some stage will be taken into account when making important decisions in the energy sector, as it happened in its time with the topic of radioactive waste and the construction of new nuclear power plants.” Vladimir Chuprov, head of the Greenpeace Russia energy program
“Climate change is the greatest challenge that humanity has faced in its entire history, and at the same time it is an opportunity to build a better world without inequality and violence, because the roots of these problems, including human impacts on climate, lie in the existing economic system aimed at a constant increase in consumption, so preventing a climate threat is impossible without the co-operation of all countries and, of course, all people for the common good.” Ilya Eremenko, head of the Ukrainian Climate Network
“Concerned people in California, the United States and around the world do not have a moment to waste in ensuring that the system of life continues to exist in any way close to what we have enjoyed in our lifetimes. It is time to rise in the streets to say we demand real climate leadership. World leaders, high level government and United Nations officials have been meeting to act on climate since the first COP in 1995. Obviously, not enough has been done since the parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere is now over 410 ppm and climbing. Our leaders are not protecting us. In fact, many of them, like Governor Jerry Brown, have promoted programs that allow the fossil fuel industry, one of the main causes of climate disruption, to continue to emit carbon into the atmosphere and poison communities like the one I live in, Richmond, California. Most of our leaders have failed us by ensuring the fossil fuel industry can continue to destroy the climate. Everyone is invited to join us on September 8th. We will send a powerful message!” Pennie Opal Plant, co-founder, Idle No More SF Bay
“Successful global climate action centers the experiences of those that live at the source of the extraction and disaster, the most vulnerable. They have the solutions that will sustain us toward a regenerative world. Whether it be Copenhagen, Cancun, Paris, Bonn, San Juan (PR) or San Francisco; grassroots communities have the solutions to address the root causes of a global system that has for far too long negotiated behind closed doors to poison Mother Earth and the most vulnerable in exchange for profit. Starting with the RISE for Climate March, the It Takes Roots Solidarity and Solutions Summit and 1000s from grassroots social movements within the US and the Global South, we will come together to kick off a historic week of local and globally intersected actions designed to uplift solidarity and solutions for climate justice in the Bay and across the world.” Angela Adrar, Executive Director, Climate Justice Alliance
“On September 8th, people across the US will have an opportunity to show both our elected and private sector leaders that we need real climate leadership and a quick and massive transition to a new clean and renewable energy economy rooted in racial and economic justice. If the climate deniers in the White House and those who lead congress refuse to act, then we must rise up and take action in our communities and hold state and local elected officials accountable to make the change we need.” Paul Getsos, National Director, Peoples Climate Movement
“The planned national and global mobilizations around the California climate summit are very timely since Indigenous Peoples worldwide are reading the signs of Nature, calling on humanity to take responsibility for its mistakes and respect the territorial integrity and rights of Mother Earth. Indigenous Peoples are rising up, in unity and common struggle with frontline communities to demand that governments and corporations urgently cut emissions at source, urgently move away from a fossil fuel economy and not use false solutions to climate change like carbon pricing. In September, we will stand with people of consciousness calling out for humanity not to be a carbon colonialist who sells the air we breathe and privatizes Mother Earth and Father Sky.” Tom BK Goldtooth , Executive Director, Indigenous Environmental Network
“The Rise for Climate mobilizations will remind us that the people most impacted by climate change and fossil fuel extraction are often the most visionary leaders in the fight for climate justice. From indigenous peoples protecting their territories from oil extraction in the Amazon to California residents pushing for a just transition away from fossil fuel extraction in the state, grassroots movements are flourishing and must inform the actions of politicians and business people at the Global Climate Action Summit and beyond.” Zoë Cina-Sklar, End Amazon Crude campaigner, Amazon Watch
“Our generation is fed up with the way our government has been corrupted by a handful of wealthy fossil fuel executives who prioritize profit over the health and futures of people everywhere. On September 8th, we will rise up alongside thousands of others to send a clear message to the politicians who’ve been bought off by industry: take action to stop climate change or we will mobilize to vote you out.” Varshini Prakash, Communications Director, Sunrise Movement
“In the past year we have experienced devastating climate change impacts, from relentless wildfires and increasingly hot summers, to a devastating hurricane season. Corporate polluters, the fossil fuel industry, and the elected officials who have sided with them are culpable and hindering our wellbeing, and that of future generations. As 17 million youth join the voter eligible population this year we will demand that our government stand up for climate, jobs, and justice.” Hakim Evans, 19 years old, Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) Fellow, Queens, NY