Washington, D.C. — The Supreme Court’s decision in today’s Janus case hurts working families, the country, and our collective power to combat climate change and create a sustainable economy that works for all of us, according to 350.org.
Executive Director May Boeve issued the following statement this morning in reaction to the Supreme Court decision:
“A safe climate requires strong unions. Today’s Supreme Court decision is a blow to our collective efforts to address the climate crisis and build a sustainable economy that works for all. The climate justice movement stands shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters in labor. We will do everything in our power to fight back against the corporate greed behind this decision.
Working families are on the frontlines of the climate crisis. It’s our firefighters, our nurses, and our public servants who respond to climate disasters and work to address the daily injustices of pollution and poverty. We cannot solve this crisis without strong and healthy unions.
The fight for climate justice is about more than carbon in the atmosphere. It’s a fight to build a new economy that works for both people and planet. This ruling is a setback, but we have faced many before. Today we redouble our collective efforts to strengthen a people’s movement for climate, jobs and justice.”