Washington D.C. — Today, after Senator Manchin’s “permitting reform” provision drew opposition from both parties, Manchin asked Senator Schumer to withdraw the legislation as a provision to the Continuing Resolution to fund the government.
May Boeve, Executive Director of 350.org, responded:
“Over the last few weeks, frontline leaders with a mass movement behind them have made clear the incredible dangers and deceptive political maneuvering around Manchin’s fossil fuel fast tracking bill. This is a victory for our movement plain and simple. The fossil fuel industry and its executives continue to try these last ditch efforts to push forward dirty deals but the reality is that the era of fossil fuels is coming to an end. We have more work to do but today we breathe a sigh of relief. Our communities will continue to fight permitting deals community by community until all fossil fuels are kept in the ground.”
Press Contact: Thanu Yakupitiyage, [email protected]