November 17, 2017 Responds to Nebraska Commission Not Considering Keystone 1 Spill in Keystone XL Decision

Washington, DC — In response to the announcement from the Nebraska Public Service Commission that the recent spill from Keystone 1 in South Dakota won’t be considered in the upcoming decision on whether to permit Keystone XL, spokesperson Sara Shor gave the following statement:

“That the Nebraska commissioners won’t consider safety in their decision on Keystone XL should alarm everyone. This spill puts an exclamation point on the need to reject Keystone XL, but it doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know about pipelines. They spill, and if Keystone XL is built, we can only expect more of the world’s dirtiest oil spewing across farms, treaty lands, and throughout the Great Plains. We need a transition to a renewable energy future that doesn’t pollute our communities and wreck our climate. If the PSC truly has Nebraska’s interests at heart, they’ll reject Keystone XL.”


Contact: Dani Heffernan, [email protected], +1 (305) 992-1544
