December 4, 2018

People Power versus Carbon Bombs

The Eight Anti- Coal Campaigns that Make Staying at 1.5 Possible

GLOBAL: The latest IPCC Report makes clear that if we want to avoid severe global warming, we will have to stay within a strict carbon budget starting today. That means leaving fossil fuels in the ground. 8 major coal campaigns led by partner organizations across the globe and supported by are fighting to stop 5.5 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions from being spewed into the atmosphere, an amount which if released blows us way past that budget.

COP24 is being held in Poland, a country which is known for its support of coal – the government motto is ‘Poland stands on coal’ and the country generates over half its primary energy, including 80% of its electricity from coal.  The Polish government chose coal-based energy companies PGE and Tauron as summit sponsors.

As the world transitions away from coal, oil, and gas, fossil fuel CEOs and their political puppets are trying to keep us hooked. The construction of any new coal power plant or mine is inconceivable given the findings of the IPCC report released this October.  Every ton of coal burned makes an immediate contribution to the quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere causing long term and irreversible climate change. We need to keep fossil fuels in the ground now to ensure that we stay below 1.5 degrees in order to avoid catastrophic environmental breakdown.” Hoda Baraka, Global Communications Director,

Yet, across the world fossil fuel infrastructure projects threaten global climate safety. Eight coal projects in the pipeline are being fiercely resisted by communities across the globe, they are:

  1. Carmichael Mega Mine in Australia .                    
  2. Lamu, in Kenya
  3. Muğla, Turkey
  4. Rampal in Bangladesh
  5. Rhineland coalfields forest in Germany
  6. Sendou in Senegal
  7. Thabametsi in South Africa
  8. Thepa in Thailand

Three of the eight projects –Sendou in Senegal, Rampal in Bangladesh and Lamu, in Kenya- are being developed in countries where very little of the energy currently produced comes from coal.

The Sendou and Rampal proposed developments are in coastal areas where climate impacts with only 1˚C warming are causing sea-level rise and flooding that claims lives, ravages property and homes and sets back the economy.  In Turkey the Muğla’s coal plants are costing people’s health due to the severe impacts of air pollution that is felt in the surrounding area. In addition to climate change impacts in Europe, the devastating impacts of climate change in North and Sub Saharan Africa are driving climate-induced migration to Europe.

The eight iconic fights media pack highlights the campaigns against the coal industry. including who is financing them,  climate impacts and looks at solutions for a zero carbon future.

Many of the groups opposing fossil fuel projects face increasing state repression which threatens lives as well as progress on climate goals.

“We at along with our local and global partners are campaigning fiercely to keep fossil fuels in the ground to make staying at 1.5 possible and avoid irreversible and catastrophic climate change. Communities in every corner of the planet have already shown what people power can do in stopping carbon emissions. COP24 is now an opportunity for political leaders to recognize the courageous efforts of these brave people and to take action at the scale of the crisis by stopping all fossil fuel projects and transitioning to 100% renewables for all.May Boeve, Executive Director,




Media Contacts


At COP24:  Alex Rafalowicz, +57 318 343 9283, [email protected]

Global:          Kim Bryan +447770881503, [email protected]


Side Event at COP24:  4th December 2018

PANEL: Reclaiming Power: The Global People’s Movement to Phase Out Fossil Fuels for Real Climate Action

TIME: 18.30-20.00

PLACE:Bug, Room 2

