July 20, 2020

350.org on the SEIU-led Strike for Black Lives

“…it’s about disrupting and dismantling all the ways racialized violence harms our communities…” 

USA — Today, Monday, July 20, SEIU is leading a Strike for Black Lives. In solidarity with labor unions and movements for racial and economic justice, 350.org has signed on in strong support. 

On the Strike, Tamara Toles O’Laughlin, 350.org North America Director issued the following statement: 

“350.org is committed to supporting the Strike for Black Lives as part of the call to action for climate, economic, and racial justice. We refuse to ignore the deadly impacts of structural racism in America on our economy. As a movement, our work to dismantle racist structures perpetuating anti-Blackness and white supremacy is the same as our work to tackle the climate crisis. 

“The compound crises of COVID-19, police brutality, and climate change have underscored the contrast between the strength of workers keeping our economies running, and the greed of billionaires who rake in profit at the expense of our health and safety. We support the demand to defund and divest from the police and fossil fuels, and to reinvest in the resilience of people and planet, for the sake of and health of workers and community seeking a Just Recovery.”

Cherrell Brown, 350.org Lead Organizer, added: 

“When we talk about Racial Justice it’s not just a call for diversity and inclusion, or to send out a tweet that ‘Black Lives Matter.’ It’s about disrupting and dismantling all the ways racialized violence harms our communities, whether at the hands of fossil fuel companies, greedy CEOs and corporations, or police and prisons. We know that these institutions and systems are inextricably tied, in service of capitalism, and require working people sacrifice themselves for its survival. That is why we stand with workers striking and demanding justice for Black lives.” 

