February 27, 2019

350.org on Senate Vote on Andrew Wheeler’s nomination as EPA Administrator

350.org on Senate Vote on Andrew Wheeler’s nomination as EPA Administrator

Washington, DC — Today, the Senate is expected to vote to confirm former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler to head of the Environmental Protection Agency. The Senate vote on the EPA happens while all eyes are on former Trump aide and lawyer Michael Cohen’s testimony to Congress -a tactic of pushing through a vote while the public is distracted.

350.org Executive Director May Boeve made the following statement:

“Casting a vote to confirm Andrew Wheeler is giving the thumbs up to the complete dismantling of what remains of the EPA’s power — to the benefit of the coal and oil lobby. Like his predecessor, Andrew Wheeler is deep in the pockets of oil and coal executives, evidenced by the dozens of meetings he has prioritized with industry representatives during his time as Acting EPA Administrator.

While Wheeler claims climate change isn’t the world’s greatest crisis, our communities are paying for this malicious neglect through our lives and livelihoods. With emissions rising and the window for mitigation closing, we won’t let Trump’s EPA stand in the way as we fight for a Green New Deal, nor will we let fossil fuel billionaires drive us deeper into crisis.

Over the last month, communities, including many young people, have participated in events around the country, meeting with representatives, making tens of thousands of phone calls and delivering hundreds of thousands of petitions to Congress calling for the transformation of our economy and energy systems to create millions of family sustaining jobs through a Green New Deal. This is where the real work lies. Together, we can begin this just and equitable transition from fossil fuels to a 100% renewable energy economy that works for all.”


Press Contact: Thanu Yakupitiyage, US Communications Manager, [email protected]
