February 12, 2020

Stop the Ecocide Australia

Pacific Climate Warriors Call on Australian Government to Cut All Ties with Mineral Council

Canberra, Australia Pacific Climate Warriors joined survivors of Australia’s deadly bushfires to set up a riveting display outside the Australian Parliament complex illustrating the trail of destruction that has been caused by the climate emergency to call the Minerals Council out for being notorious climate wreckers and lobby for the Australian Government to cut all ties with them.

“The Australian government needs to acknowledge that the trail of destruction is at their doorstep and immediately cease its support for the fossil fuel industry.” Jacynta Fuamatu, a Samoan Australian Pacific Climate Warrior Elder. 

Jacynta spoke amidst a backdrop of an artistic installation portraying a seawall, made from a fala (long woven mat), sandbags and remnants of personal possessions which were destroyed during recent climatic events to represent the trail of destruction experienced in the Pacific Islands. 

“We know that groups like the Minerals Council of Australia have been undermining action on climate change for more than 20 years. It’s time for Australian politicians and companies to cut all ties with the fossil fuel industry, and the lobby groups that undermine action on climate change.” Jacynta Fuamatu.

Large protest signs with and other art pieces with pictures of climate impacts were held by young Pacific people, lobbying for the Australian Government to make a solid commitment to ending its support for the fossil fuel industry. 

“There needs to be an immediate end to subsidies and other direct and indirect funding to fossil fuel industries. Instead, these resources should be diverted to a just transition to a much less destructive renewable energy infrastructure. If we are to ensure the survival of the Pacific people, and Australians, we need to see urgent action before there is more blood on the hands of politicians who are currently driving this ecocide.” Joseph-Zane Sikulu, Pacific Campaigner for 350 Pacific. 


Images can be found HERE


Patricia Mallam

[email protected]
