October 23, 2019

350.org on Trump’s remarks at fracking conference: “Torching our future”

Pittsburgh, PA — At a fracking conference in Pittsburgh today, Donald Trump used the opportunity to suggest “canceling” the Paris Agreement, sow disinformation about the viability of renewable energy, and going so far as to call out New York State’s climate action and efforts to keep fossil fuels in the ground. 

Despite his rhetoric, an unprecedented number of people in America support transformative climate action like the Green New Deal, and more than half of people in America support making polluters pay for the climate crisis.

In response, May Boeve, 350.org Executive Director, issued the following statement: 

“Trump is torching our future so fossil fuel billionaires can pull a profit while the rest of us pay the price. The Trump administration has always been a shill for the fossil fuel industry, consistently putting oil and gas profit over public interest, all at the expense of the health and safety of communities who have done nothing to cause the climate crisis. This September, 7.6 million people striked for climate justice. We won’t stop until we get a Green New Deal that ends fossil fuels, and makes polluters pay for care and repair.”


Contact: Thanu Yakupitiyage, [email protected]
