USA — Ahead of COP26, on October 29th, communities will rally outside Federal Reserve branches across the country to send a clear message to President Biden: appoint a climate champion to the Federal Reserve to ensure the Fed accounts for climate risk immediately. In coordination with youth climate leaders, we are mobilizing for a Fossil Free Future.
As fossil fuel companies — backed by banks like Chase and Citigroup, and insurers like Liberty Mutual — attempt to ram through toxic and unnecessary tar sands, oil, and gas and brazenly lie about the reality of the climate crisis, climate leaders across the U.S. are mobilizing to end their decades of planetary destruction by targeting our central bank, the Federal Reserve, to steer our economy off high-risk fossil fuel funding.
WHAT: Fossil Free Future mobilizations ahead of COP26: demanding a Fossil Free Federal Reserve.
WHEN: Friday, October 29, 2021
WHERE: Federal Reserve branches across the country, including:
- San Antonio, TX
- Denver, CO
- St. Louis, MO
- Chicago, IL
- Kansas City, MO
- Atlanta, GA
- San Francisco, CA
- Richmond, VA
- Dallas, TX
- Miami, FL
- Cleveland, OH
- Washington, DC
- New York, NY on the 9th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy
WHO: Local leaders demanding the Federal Reserve account for climate risk.
WHY: A key mandate of the Federal Reserve is to assess and account for risks to the U.S. economy. We are calling on them to fulfill their mandate. It’s time to push the Federal Reserve to do what they said they would do: account for climate risk.
Fossil fuel companies have doubled the number of billion-dollar climate disasters, lied about climate change, and their pollution killed more than 8 million people in one year. If we’re going to build back better, as the President says, we’ll need to ensure bold US action on climate ahead of COP26 and demand the Federal Reserve phase out all high-risk fossil fuel financing by 2030.