The Finance in Common Summit will gather for the first time banks from all over the globe with the aim of getting a joint commitment to support a Just Recovery
Global — The French Development Agency (Agence Française de Développement – AFD) will convene in November the first ever summit of Public Development Banks. The Finance in Common Summit (FiC) will bring together 450 banks that control approximately $2 trillion in public money all over the globe. As an official COP-26 event, the Summit’s main objective is to get all participating banks to sign a declaration on their commitment to align their policies with climate, sustainable development and biodiversity goals.
This Thursday, September 10th, high-level financial experts will be discussing the main objectives of the summit and the demands for t participants. The webinar “Expectations for Finance in Common (FiC) Summit” aims to hear from specialists what would be the policies that, if adopted, will ensure a just and sustainable recovery towards a transition to a better future for all.
WHAT: Webinar “Expectations for Finance in Common (FiC) Summit”.
WHEN & WHERE: September 10, 2020 at 9am EST. Register on Zoom here.
WHY: As the world tries to address the compound crises of climate change and COVID-19, it’s essential that public finance institutions recognize their responsibility and act to support the implementation of a just and sustainable recovery.
WHO: This virtual debate will gather financial experts, civil society organizations (NGOs, think tanks, research institutions, foundations, etc.), journalists, policy makers, as well as representatives from AFD and participating banks.
About the speakers:
- Yossi Cadan, Global Finance Campaign Manager at 350.org, will present the agenda and introduce the panel speakers.
- Audrey Rojkoff, Senior Climate Finance Expert at The Agence Française de Développement (AFD), will be giving a general introduction to the Summit and its objectives, and ways for civil society organizations to participate.
- Sonia Dunlop, Senior Policy Advisor, International Financial Institutions at think tank E3G, will be speaking about the expectations of Multilateral Development Banks’ announcements on their progress to Paris-alignment.
- Lucile Dufour, International Policy Adviser at Climate Action Network (CAN) – France; and Laurie van der Burg, Senior Campaigner at Oil Change International (OCI). They will be sharing expectations of the High Ambition Coalition on a phase-out of all fossil fuels and related infrastructure.
- Lidy Nacpil, coordinator of Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), will be speaking about debt cancellation mechanisms for Global South countries.
- Carla García Zendejas, Director of People, Land, and Resources at the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), will be sharing expectations from Global South countries on the Summit, and more specifically on human rights.
- Nancy Saich, Chief Climate Change Expert at the European Investment Bank (EIB), will be speaking about the EIB’s expectations and aims for the Summit.