This week has been incredible. I’m so proud to be part of this big, beautiful movement with you — here’s just the latest reason why:
On Tuesday, more than 200 actions were organized in just a few short days to show our collective solidarity with the fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline. From banner-drops in California to main-street rallies in small Midwest towns, to actions as far afield as London and Hawaii — this movement truly came together to #StandWithStandingRock.
This week’s largest rally, in Washington, DC, had over 3,000 people calling on President Obama to stop the pipeline (along with featured speakers like Senator Bernie Sanders, Tara Houska, Van Jones, Chase Iron Eyes, Rev Yearwood, and Jasilyn Charger).
Last week, President Obama blocked the final federal permit needed to build the pipeline. Now, the Administration has opened the door to using a more thorough review process, one that takes climate and tribal consultation into account, like Keystone XL.
Check out some of the social media from this week’s #StandWithStandingRock day of action here, and see the best photos from actions around the country here.
What’s happening right now in Standing Rock — and the simultaneous landowner opposition gathering steam in Iowa — is a historic display of resistance. In fact, one reporter commented that “the oil industry has never been more scared.”
This isn’t the first pipeline we’ve fought together — and it won’t be the last — but something special about the Dakota Access uprising has captured the country’s imagination. The dedication, moral clarity, and brilliant organizing on the part of Native tribes and Indigenous-led organizations is t
hat something special.
The actions this week have been a powerful show of solidarity, but this fight is definitely not over. Let’s keep showing up and standing with the Standing Rock Sioux and everyone fighting this thing on the ground.
Sign the petition to President Obama here.
There’s plenty more to do: Join one of the upcoming actions targeting financial institutions that are funding the pipeline here, contribute to efforts on the ground via the Sacred Stone Camp supply fund, the Sacred Stone Camp legal defense fund, or theRed Warrior Camp legal defense fund, or contribute to farmer and landowner organizing efforts in Iowa here.
Dakota Access hasn’t seen the last of us. Together, we can stop this pipeline — and every pipeline after it.