We're all about the numbers at 350.org. And this is a big one – 1,000 work parties signed up for October 10!
Number 1,000 just came in last night. A big thanks to Gaëlle in Montréal, Canada for planning a 350 mile (or 350 kilometer – she's not sure how strong her group will be by October) bicycle ride to get to work on sustainable transportation solutions.
If you were wondering if this day was going to have that powerful feeling of global momentum and unity, the excitement of connecting with like-minded people all over the world, the beauty of people's creativity going to work in all kinds of ways on the biggest problem of our time, there are now 1,000 grassroots organizers all around the world telling you, in both word and deed, "Yes!"
Here's the link to start your own plans for getting to work this year – https://www.350.org/oct10. And here are a few other highlights from the recent days. We really can't get over the actions that keep coming into our inboxes, from literally all over the world.
#999, in Nukualofa, Tonga. Anitelu is organizing a coastal tree planting in his village, which is in a vulnerable spot right next to the water. They will be adding protection both from rising seas and rising carbon emissions.
#974, in Chitwan, Nepal. Anjan is getting to work on a community-wide composting project, turning waste that is either dumped or burned into compost for a green area in the city.
#971, in Calafate, Argentina. The Asociación Calafate Natural will hold an event with their lecture series instructing local residents how to construct and install wind turbines and solar panels for family use.
And this is just a tiny sample. There are, well, there are 996 other ideas out there right now for what to do on 10/10/10. Here are a few more ideas.