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You have likely noticed that a huge amount of our global 350 work of late has been focused on Global Power Shift (GPS). And suffice to say, GPS is getting really exciting! All you have to do is check out the beautiful, growing timeline of GPS plans to get a sense of how it is developing: Or stay updated on Facebook here.

Today we are excited to write about another related, collaborative, global effort initiated by our friends at the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice — Reclaim Power — a global month of action on energy.

NO to dirty and harmful energy!

YES to renewable energy for people and communities!

October 11 to November 11, 2013

There are a wide range of mobilisations, campaigns, and events woven into Reclaim Power, and we encourage you to plug in to the efforts taking place near you. (That might include some of the GPS plans taking place during the month too!) You can read the full call to action here:

One of the earliest efforts being planned is a day of action this Saturday, 12 October, called Power 4 People. Led by our friends at International Rivers this will be a day for demanding the World Bank and other international financiers shift funding away from destructive projects like fossil fuel power plants to clean local energy. Part of the days action will be on social media, so anyone with internet can join in online. Click here for more details.

Throughout the month there may be an action or mobilization being planned close to you. If not, you can plan and register your own activity. Check out Reclaim Power today — it starts this Friday!

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
