We’ve talke a lot about all the art and creativity that’s flowing into the 350 campaign — and this final week is no exception! I just got a great email from our friends at the Asia Pacific Indigenous Youth Network about a project called DROP IT! (coz it’s hot) that they are launching on October 24 as part of the International Day of Climate Action.

They write: "DROP IT! (coz it’s hot) is APIYN’s contribution to the 350 Global Day of Action. The project aims to gather 350 testimonials of the indigenous youth in the Asia and Pacific expressing their opinions on environmental protection and climate change including their thoughts toward the continued protection of our lands, resources and environment using different forms of art. These shout outs will be passed in the web, linking the activity with other events nationwide ultimately breaking barriers and cultural differences." 

APIYN is a network of over 22 indigenous youth organizations in the Asia-Pacific region that aims to contribute towards building the capacity and self-confidence of the indigenous youth in the Asia-Pacific region through providing systems of information, training, exchange and networking.  It seeks to mobilize the catalytic role of the indigenous youth in development efforts by facilitating the exchange of ideas, analyses, and experiences, which they in turn can contribute and share with their indigenous communities.

The network has been also running relief efforts in the Philippines to follow up from the recent devastating typhoons. We’ll try and keep everyone updated with ways to contribute to this important effort. In the meantime, for all you poets, artists, rappers, and writers out there we’re looking forward to seeing what you can drop on Oct 24. Onwards! 

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