2016 has been a tough year for the climate movement. Devastating climate impacts have been accelerating and an increasingly difficult political climate have made holding onto hope difficult. Which is exactly why it’s more important than ever to recognise our movement’s successes and learn from our victories.

A new report released today with our friends at Divest-Invest has found that divestment is working — and the fossil fuel industry is fighting for its life. 688 institutions in 76 countries who represent more than $5 trillion dollars worth of assets have committed to divest!

$5 Trillion in Assets Divested

Share this exciting news with your friends and show that the divestment movement continues to move forward.

This is big news! It shows us just how powerful a tool divestment continues to be in the resistance against a rogue fossil fuel industry. And shows the key role that the divestment movement has played in shining a light on the devastating impacts of the fossil fuel industry and breaking their stranglehold on our politics.

While the world is filled with uncertainty, it’s important to take a moment to reflect on what the divestment movement has been doing right.

  • We are organising for the long haul: In uncertain times it’s more important than ever to organise our communities and grow our movement from the grassroots up. The fossil fuel divestment movement has always believed that it will take more than just governments to address climate change, and that remains as true as ever.
  • We are powerful: The fossil fuel industry is fighting for its life against a growing climate movement. 688 institutions in 76 countries have committed to divest from fossil fuels and resistance to fossil fuel projects is taking root all over the world. This is what happens when we organise and fight and we must continue to fight.
  • We are everywhere: Divestment has reached every pocket of our society, in countries all over the world. Faith groups, cultural institutions, pension funds, universities and more have committed to divest from fossil fuels. Climate leadership is coming from surprising places.
  • We need to keep the pressure on: With political unrest around the world and climate impacts intensifying, we need to push our institutions to step into their leadership and fight with our communities for climate justice. That is why between May 5-13, thousands of people will come together for the Global Divestment Mobilisation. They will shine a spotlight on the impacts of the fossil fuel industry and escalate their calls for divestment. Save the dates and we will be in touch with more information on how you can be involved soon.

The announcement today shows just how far the divestment movement has come. Share this exciting news to show that we will not back down: our movement is strong and the fossil fuel industry is fighting for its life.

Our work is not over, and there are still more challenges ahead. But the fossil fuel industry is weaker than it’s ever been and we remain strong on the side of climate justice.

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