The climate movement is getting ready for a big January of bold action to defeat Donald Trump’s dangerous fossil fuel agenda. He wants to put Big Oil in charge of our government, roll back decades of climate progress, and witch hunt climate scientists out of their posts.

He’s also preparing unprecedented attacks on civil liberties, religious freedom and basic norms of tolerance. Add that to his cronies’ plans for attacking social services, tax cuts for the super-wealthy and dangerous foreign policy moves — we will have our hands full.

Here’s our theory of change: A majority of people in America did not vote for Donald Trump. He got almost 3 million fewer votes. The people that worked and voted against him often are more likely to be younger and part of vulnerable communities who will together bear the biggest impacts of climate change, and his vicious policies. Together we can make sure that this majority is visible, fired up and heard by people in power.

Here’s what’s happening in January:

January 2nd: Look for a big announcement about all the work we’re doing together in 2017.

January 3rd: We’re flooding the phone lines in Congress to stop Trump’s climate denier picks for major climate, energy and environmental positions in his cabinet. Here’s where to go to make a call to your Senator.

January 9th: We’ll take to the streets in all 50 states to defeat Trump’s climate denier cabinet. Find events here.

January 11th: We’re planning something big for the first day of ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson’s first day of hearings connected to his nomination for Secretary of State.

That same week and the following in Washington DC, activists will be flooding Capitol Hill with actions targeting key Senators who will play a big role in hearings for cabinet picks. Expect more actions across the country and a flood of messages to the Senate to stop Trump’s picks this week as well.

January 20th and 21st: The climate movement will link arms with people fighting every part of Trump’s agenda for major demonstrations during and after his Inauguration. Trump lost the election by almost 3 million votes, and we will make sure the Washington establishment hears from the majority of us who oppose his plan for the country. Find out more about Inauguration events here.

On January 23rd, 100 hours after his inauguration, students across the country will walk out of class against Trump’s dangerous agenda for our future in the biggest coordinated student action in U.S. divestment movement history.  If you’re a student who wants to join, learn more and find an action here.

And that’s just what we know about now — be on your toes for rapid response actions throughout the next month to oppose key parts of Trump’s agenda.

Forward into the streets, together.

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
