There’s a giant set of lungs on the loose, and who knows where they are going to turn up next!?

Created by the artists and activists from the group Tools for Action that met during Global Power Shift, the 8 meter x 4 meter set of lungs is a creative intervention, #Cough4Coal, designed to highlight the effects of coal extraction and combustion on human and planetary health. It is an artwork and protest about air, created of air, and linking the air of the world to the air inside us – beautifully captured in this powerful short video

Follow the #Cough4Coal project on Facebook – just click here and ‘like’ their page.

Burning coal releases a frightful density of toxic air pollutants, acid gas, soot and dust that penetrates deep into the lungs and the blood stream. Coupled with the dense quantities of greenhouse gasses burning coal releases, it’s time to put an end to it. As the group say, “We are not willing to stand and watch while coal is used to make profits, and lobbyists are gambling with our health!” 

The network involved with the #Cough4Coal project is distributed in many parts of the world, so over the coming months, if you’re walking down the street and suddenly see a giant set of lungs approaching, don’t be too surprised. But even better than walking upon the giant lungs by coincidence, why not join the campaign yourself – follow them on Facebook. Those lungs are going to be turning up in some important places – starting in Warsaw, Poland in November where there might just be a conference about coal happening…watch this space!

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