Craftivism, n. — a form of activism, typically for social justice, environmentalism or feminism, that is centred around practices of craft – especially handicrafts. (Wikipedia)

Whether you consider yourself traditionally an activist, a crafter, or neither, it’s time to get out the knitting needles, sewing machines, and fabric scraps, and start thinking about what creation you can make this summer to help spread the word about the number 350. We don’t have all the ideas – we need your help to spread the word in the most creative and unique ways you can dream up. That’s why has teamed up with 5 awesome crafting websites – Craftster, BurdaStyle, Etsy, Thrifty Fun, and Craft Magazine to bring you the Creativity 350 Challenge.

Creativity 350 is actually two competitions in one — a t-shirt design competition, and a general craft competition. We’re announcing the contest now, to give you a month to come up with your creations, then in August we’ll be asking for submissions and opening it up to the public to vote on the winners. Aside from the fame and glory you’ll get from your t-shirt design being printed on all the shirts we sell on our site, there’s lots of great prizes as well – from sewing kits to cloth grocery bags to a sewing machine complete with carbon offsets. Check out all the details on the contest site today, and start stitchin’!

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