As we gear up for the Don’t Frack Ohio action, a lot of us are thinking about the Keystone XL actions in Washington last summer. The outpouring of committed and creative activists that I was part of in DC will be on display in Columbus this weekend. If you haven’t yet called your friends in Ohio to see if they can take part in the action, now’s the time. Here’s all the info you need.

To help get you inspired, I highly recommend watching this video from Washington, “Make a Noise.” Some of those same people will be in Ohio this weekend standing up to the expanded fracking in the Buckeye State. The recording artist who wrote the song, Katie Herzig, is part of a collaboration of artists, and our friends at 1% for the Planet, donating free downloads of their songs to climate activists. You can learn about this effort from New Song Music and check out all the songs here.




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