The clock just struck tweleve in Vietnam and my skype blew up with people wishing me a happy 10/10/10! Hey, East Asia organizers: Get some sleep – tomorrow is a big day! 

Here is an update from my friend Ed Boydell in Vietnam on some of the activites that have happened in the lead up to 10/10/10!


A vegetarian celebration in Hanoi!

Not only is 10/10/10 a huge day for climate action – it is also a huge day in Vietnam’s history. 10/10/10 marks the 1000year anniversary of Hanoi – Thang Long city. Young people in the Vietnam Green Generation Network are making sure that climate action is part of the celebration!

For the last few days, they have been at the International Food Festival promoting their “Go Vegetarian” campaign. Check out the photos below! They aim to highlight the environmental and health benefits of eating less meat. They are also signing up people to commit to eating vegetarian meals as a practical climate solution.

The Go Vegetarian campaign is one of four campaigns that the Green Generation Network are promoting in around the country on 10/10/10 at Work Parties hosted by clubs.\

Everyone in Vietnam can sign up to these campaigns and share them with others using an online tool:


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