French President Emmanuel Macron’s climate summit in Paris will be held December 12. Together with heads of state and leaders from the public and finance sectors, he’ll use it as an opportunity to prop up France’s climate champion image, despite its continued investment in fossil fuel infrastructure.

With a coalition of grassroots climate groups, we’ve been planning some imagery of our own. On the morning of the summit, on the two-year anniversary of the Paris Agreement, we’ll hold a beautiful, choreographed mass action in Paris. In a wave of movement, we’ll break free of the fossil fuel industry’s stronghold, coloring the way forward with distributed renewable energy solutions.
A series of workshops have been held weekly in Paris to prepare. If you’re in Paris, join us this Saturday, Sunday, and/or Monday at 23, rue du Château Landon, 75010 to get involved.
The action will come 2 days after a People’s Tribunal is held in nearby Montreuil on December 10, where individuals facing the frontline impacts of these fossil fuel projects will call them out for what they are — climate crimes against people and our common future.
As we rise up to make our demands heard, we’re also joined by over 80 prominent economists from around the world who have already signed on to a Declaration in advance of the summit. Together, they’re calling out the hypocrisy of continued institutional investments in new fossil fuel projects.
We cannot talk about climate finance without talking about fossil fuel investment. Over the next 2 weeks, join us and tell Macron: “not a penny more” to the energies of the past. #NotaPennyMore #FossilFree
In solidarity,
Nicolas Haeringer
350 France Campaigner