Brigada Kalikasan: a volunteer-led grassroots relief effort being run by climate justice organizers in the Philippines, including Kalikasan People’s Network for the Environment and 350 Pilipinas. You can donate to them online through 350.org’s online system by clicking here.
Citizens’ Disaster Response Center: An organization in the Philippines that provides community-based disaster management.
- National Alliance For Filipino Concerns: A coalition of multiple organizations that is helping victims of the environmental destruction in the Philippines.
The United Nations World Food Programme: The WFP has set up an online donation page that will help rush food and resources to the regions affected.
- International Rescue Commitee: The IRC is working to provide a strong humanitarian response to Haiyan victims.
The Philippine Red Cross: Donations will help mobilize teams on the ground with rescue and relief efforts.
UNICEF: Donations will help children gain access to medical supplies and clean drinking water. “Safe drinking water can be impossible to find after such a massive natural disaster. And without it, a child will drink whatever water she can find, no matter how dirty or diseased. That drink can quickly lead to diarrhea, disease and death,” UNICEF president Caryl M. Stern said.
World Vision: World Vision is working to get food and resources to those in evacuation shelters
Save the Children: Donations will help children and families in the Philippines, Laos and Vietnam. Ten percent of every donation will go toward preparing for any future disasters in the area.
(Thanks to Mashable for the list of relief agencies.)