End Fossil Finance

Challenging the banks driving the climate crisis

Photo: 350 Europe

It’s simple — to prevent devastating climate breakdown, we have to end all finance to fossil fuels.

To operate, all fossil fuels projects need money. Through loans, underwriting and investments, public and private banks pour hundreds of billions of euros each year into the dirty fossil industry.


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Without this money, there’d be very few new fossil fuels projects. That’s why we need to disrupt fossil finance – and go after banks.

Finance is the foundation of the fossil fuel industry, that is driving climate breakdown and threatening communities around the world.

Finance also builds the future. The investments and loans of today establish the energy sources of tomorrow. Fossil finance is now propping up fossil companies, and enabling them to keep adding new unnecessary fossil fuel projects. Instead, this money could finance the rapid, broad transition to a 100% renewable energy system we urgently need.

To have any chance of avoiding runaway climate breakdown, no new fossil fuel project can be allowed to go ahead. It’s our chance to confront the climate crisis at its root, and achieve systemic change.

It’s time to end fossil fuel finance. Learn how below, or read more about our plan and call to action.

Our Campaign

Here is our plan to tackle fossil finance


Photo: Daiana Lopes

How We Win

Resources and tools to support local groups


Struggles in focus

Case studies from all over the world to inspire the fight.


Photo: Leandra Praetzel

Join us!

Join the movement to end fossil finance.


Photo: Jennifer Bruce/350Africa

The Plan

Research shows that social movements win when a relatively small percentage of the population gets actively organised on a regular basis. To confront the climate crisis, we need hundreds of new climate defenders with the organising skills needed to effectively disrupt key institutions driving the crisis.

So what’s our plan? We’re going to confront the financial sector.

Why? Finance is the foundation of the fossil fuel industry. Money from banks, through loans, underwriting and investments, allows companies to expand their work and build more climate-wrecking projects.

How do we cut off this finance? Through sustained public organising and people power. Together, we will show banks that their current business model is unacceptable.

Young people and frontline communities are already leading the way. Through their organising and disobedient tactics, they have been hugely successful in igniting public consciousness and mainstreaming the urgent need for climate action back into general public discourse.

We can answer the call to climate action by challenging the primary pillar that props up fossil fuel extraction: the banks.

Our Demands

  1. Non-proliferation of fossil fuels: an immediate ban on any new permits for new fossil fuel projects and expansion of existing projects (including exploration, extraction, transportation and power).
  2. Cut off the money flows: a rapid end to public and private financial flows, both to and from fossil fuel companies and projects. That means no subsidies, investments, loans, export credits, underwriting, aid, or tax breaks for fossil fuel projects anywhere

The Steps

To build enough power to enact these demands, we will be focusing on three core moments:

    • Summer 2019 – building momentum: mass trainings and collective actions across Europe,
    • Autumn 2019 – mass mobilisations to disrupt key political, financial and corporate targets.
    • 2020 We Rise – trainings, mobilisations and mass direct actions at key fossil fuel infrastructure sites and points of political and financial power.

Resources to Help You

To really challenge the financial industry, we need powerful campaigns. Here’s a set of resources to help you assemble healthy groups, craft powerful actions, and achieve meaningful change.

Action Planning Resources

This power-mapping resource allows you to identify targets and focus your strategy. It is a useful visual tool to help outline your campaigning possibilities. Created by 350 Trainings.

These two resources, one from Beautiful Rising and the other from Beautiful Trouble, offer a list of tactics to stretch your creativity.

This checklist and list of tips from Seeds for Change, can help organisers think through preparing their actions.

Needing some tricks on how to set-up space to make art for actions? This Artivist Guide will tell you how.

This reflection by campaigners following the iconic Ende Gelände action offers insights as to how to organize civil disobedience actions that are accessible and welcoming to all.

This resource compiled by campaigners from Brazil offers suggestions for how to organize bold actions in repressive contexts.


Fossil Finance

This list of organising principles sketches out the values that underpin the Fossil Free movement.
Confused about how to understand fossil fuel finance? This accessible is a great place to start.
Who exactly has control over the financial system? This exploratory power map unpacking the European Investment Bank (EIB) is a useful example.
Do words like campaign strategy and tactics sound scary to you? This beautiful Climate Resistance Handbook by Daniel Hunter can help you take your climate activism to the next level.

Media and Messaging

Find top tips on how to tell stories, train spokespeople, and amplify your work in the press, in this handy guide.
Develop your group’s media skills and public reach through this useful set of trainings.
Learn how to give great interviews and get your message across with this guideline.

Digital Campaigning

European Changemakers offers a resource-packed website, filled with tools and case studies to help you enhance your offline actions by taking them online.
This useful resource created by 350’s own digital team offers ideas on how to boost mobilisations through digital content and outreach.
This set of videos and top tips about how to cover your action online, will help you ensure people hear about and spread the word about your campaign.

Equity and Climate Justice

This handbook by Guppi Bola and Jannat Hossain offers practical ways for campaigners to reflect on and address issues of power and privilege within organisations.

This visual guide by Earth in Brackets is a useful introduction to climate justice. To better understand the equitable responsibility of states for the climate crisis, see the Civil Society Review, or Climate Fairshares.

Facilitating Meetings and Discussions

This in-depth guide from Seeds for Change explores how to make your meetings more effective and inclusive. A simple method for facilitating great meetings can also be found here.

Struggling with decision-making? This list of tips will make help you navigate difficult choices and impasses.

Inclusive, healthy and democratic processes are the bedrock of strong movements. This great guide by Aorta will help you ‘make meetings awesome for everyone.’

Building Your Group

Involving people in movements is always a challenge. This resource may help you think through how to grow your group by involving different audiences.

All strong groups and movements require a strong base. This great resource by European Changemakers offers tips on how to expand those who support you, and participate in your group.

STRUGGLES IN FOCUS: Learn about how banks are financing fossil fuels – and which are some of the key ongoing struggles across the world.
Trans-Adriatic Pipeline, Italy

For over two years, local communities in the southern Italian region of Puglia have been resisting the establishment of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), a massive fossil gas pipeline and terminal. The infrastructure threatens their ancient olive farms, water sources, cultural heritage sites and stunning coastline. The TAP project is financed by the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, various export credit agencies, and multiple commercial banks.

Rampal, Bangladesh

Rampal is a 1,320-MW power plant being built without local consent, only 15km from the vulnerable UNESCO World Heritage area of the Sundarbans mangrove forest. Many have already been forcefully displaced by the project, and over two million Bangladeshis and Indians depend on the Sundarbans for food, water and income. The project backers have previously included asset managers BlackRock and the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

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End fossil finance!

It’s simple — to prevent devastating climate breakdown, we have to end all finance to fossil fuels.

Public and private banks pour hundreds of billions of euros each year into the climate-wrecking fossil industry. We need to urgently work together to stop fossil finance through sustained public organising and people power.

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