You can help deliver the key message that 1.5°C = No New Fossil Fuels to European banks who continue financing fossil fuel projects.

How you do it is up to you: from simply printing a letter or a poster and hand delivering it to your target, to human signs and banner drops. Whatever gets the message across. For more resources on how to plan your delivery action, check out the Action Toolkit.

We’ve identified some target locations to help you get started with your action plan, but you can pick any local branch of one of the banks listed below, and hold your action there.

Find a location near you and then register your action here


Other Top targets (PRIVATE BANKS)

These are some of the private banks that are the most likely to provide funding to the TAP megapipeline.

1. Société Generale (France)

Société Generale been the financial advisor to the TAP project since 2013. It’s a prime contender to be approached by the TAP company for financial support, and thus likely to finance the climate-destrying fossil gas pipeline.

Here’s the full list of the locations of the bank’s branches.

2. Credit Agricole (France)

Press reports in March 2017 suggest that the Azerbaijan government has been approaching Crédit Agricole to support the pipeline. It’s another prime contender to be approached by the TAP company for financial support.

Here’s the list of their branches.

3. Intesa (Italy)

Intesa bank in Italy already has a role working as TAP’s ‘compensation’ bank in Albania and Greece. It’s another likely contender to be approached by the TAP company for financial support.

Here are their branches.

4. UniCredit, 5. Citi & 6. JP Morgan Chase

In March this year, UniCredit, Citi and JPMorgan Chase arranged bonds for the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) company, helping the company raise capital totalling $1 billion.

UniCredit’s branches are listed here. Citi’s branches are here. You can find branch locations for JP Morgan Chase here.

Why these banks? You can read more about our Defund TAP campaign here.


Below you can click to find branches of other banks also involved in financing fossil fuels:

