350.org is launching our first-ever Giving Day one year after the hottest month ever recorded with a promise: a promise to do everything we can to replace fossil fuels with clean and just renewable energy.
Your 2024 Giving Day contribution will TRIPLE to support the most ambitious climate campaign we’ve ever run:
On July 18th, we are launching the REPower Afrika campaign to replace the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) with clean and equitable solar energy. This campaign is led by climate activists across Africa and puts community-owned renewable energy at the heart of our movement.
If built, EACOP would be the world’s largest heated crude oil pipeline — risking the lives and livelihoods of millions of people in East Africa, threatening some of the world’s most important biodiversity hotspots, burning six billion barrels of oil, and generating over 34 million extra tons of carbon emissions each year. Its disastrous climate impact would be felt all over the world.
But if we all come together to make REPower Afrika a massive success, we can develop and provide the blueprint for local and regional communities around the globe on how to make the switch to an energy-secure future.
Switching to renewable energy is the ONLY way we are going to stop the climate crisis from getting worse, but we cannot do it without your support.