Check out this video of the Green Long March, China’s largest youth conservation movement, and read on to find out how you can show your solidarity by taking action in your community:

When I spoke with our Chinese allies, they mentioned how important it would be to them to know that people around the world appreciated their work and were taking action with them. Right now, while the whole world is watching the Olympics, is our best chance to demonstrate our solidarity with the people working to create a truly green future for China.

Can you organize a sports-themed 350 action in your community during the Olympics?

It’s easy: gather your friends together after an athletic activity and take a team photo with a 350 sign. Then, upload it to with a “sports” label. Take action before the Olympics end on August 23, and we’ll send your photo to our Chinese allies so they can see your support.

You’ll be taking action with some of the world’s top athletes.

This month, we’ve launched 350Athletes, an elite band of high-profile sports stars leading the charge for the call to 350. The team even includes Olympians like cyclist Adam Craig. Sports are a great way to reach out to new people – whether they’re climate organizers half-way around the world or sports-fans in your neighborhood. Please join the 350Athletes and our Chinese allies by taking action during this Olympics.

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