Every few weeks, it's someone's turn at 350 HQ to monitor the influx of emails to our general account.  It's not an easy job to keep up, but I'm especially grateful to be the one with that special task right now, as ideas are literally pouring in for the 10/10 Global Work Party after our initial call to action just a few days ago.  It gives me great hope to see that this movement is so creative, committed, and ready to get to work this year all around the world.  Here are just a few ideas coming in, either for the big day itself, or to generate momentum in the lead-up:

– get a bike-to-school and bike-to-work program started for students and workers in Jakarta, Indonesia

– going door-to-door to help people understand their energy use and weatherize their homes in cold climates

– bringing a 350ppm resolution to local city government

– friendly competitions amongst neighbors about eating locally, making sustainable improvements to your home, transporting your family sustainably

– hosting a garden work party – and get the White House organic garden going too!

… and here are some great work party-style events that happened on 24 October – check out the photos and write to us with your plans, or possible collaborations:

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