The BBC media action surveyed 33,500 people across 7 countries of Asia (India, China, Vietnam, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal), over a span of 3 years, on their perceptions of climate change based on their lived experiences of its impacts. With an approach that focused on the effects people noticed or felt in areas of food, water availability, agricultural productivity etc (and other direct impacts of climate change), the Climate Asia survey revelead some useful results. 

46% of over 20,000 surveyed felt that human activity was behind climate change. But a higher number contributed it to population growth and tree felling (68% and 65% respectively). Insofar, climate change communication has been majorly around its extreme weather consequences. This survey digs deeper into the day to day impacts on some of the indispensable needs of food, water, health and housing. Another useful statistic reveals that the three main motivators for people to take action on climate change, in India for instance are; health, a better future for children and a basic need to survive. It reflects the hard realities of climate change impacts on the day to day living of billions across the developing world. The survey goes into quite some detail across various variables of population, gender, resource availability, media exposure etc to throw unique light on the lived experience of climate change Asia. 

The survey comes with a toolkit for NGO’s, media and policy makers to use the data and develop communications around climate change. It is not an issue that can remain to be abstract and in the distant future but a clear and present danger that needs a swift response. 

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