While the UN was hosting the Climate Action Summit in New York last week, the world’s leading climate scientists were gathered in Monaco to finalise their latest report into the impacts of climate disruption.

The contrast between the increasing urgency from scientists and the lack of action from politicians couldn’t be starker.

The latest report spells out just how disastrous the impacts of climate disruption will be on our oceans unless fossil fuels stay in the ground. Hundreds of millions of people displaced by rising sea levels, fish stocks decimated and dead zones in the ocean expanding.

The biggest climate mobilisation in history simply won’t be enough if it stops this week and people just go home. As the science becomes even more urgent, the climate movement must follow.

On Wednesday, October 2, we are running an Online Orientation Call to explore the most impactful actions you can take right now to join the movement for climate justice, whoever and wherever you are.

Secure your place on the call now  

The picture this report paints is dire — our food sources, homes and very lives are under threat from the fossil fuel industry and the politics they have corrupted.

To win this fight we need a movement that’s more powerful than the fossil fuel lobby. This work isn’t easy, and victory won’t come overnight. But we are going to give this everything we’ve got, and we need you to be a part of it.

The warnings from the scientists are bleak. But what happens next is up to us.

Join the orientation calls to find out how you can be a part of the movement fighting for our lives.

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