***UPDATE: The rally has been canceled due to the fact that  a series of delays and snowy weather and the Idaho Department of Transportation have stopped the movement of oil refinery equipment going through the Wild & Scenic River corridor.***

The Lolo Pass, on the border between the states of Idaho and Montana in the Rocky Mountains of the western United States, is a place rich with beauty and freighted with history–the explorers Lewis and Clark came through this pass, as did many generations of native Americans. Now, the question is whether giant equipment designed to aid in the mining of the Tar Sands of Canada will do likewise. Our brave colleagues in that part of the world are staging a giant rally on Saturday at the pass to "Stop the Megaloads," the enormous pieces of equipment being shipped in to mine and transport more of this dirty oil–precisely the kind of 'unconventional oil' that NASA has told us we simply can't combust if we have any hope of returning the atmosphere to 350 ppm or below. Please go to the website of allagainstthehaul.org for all the details–and if you are going to go on Saturday make sure to bring a pair of snowshoes: this mountain pass is above 5,000 feet, we're in the heart of the northern hemisphere winter, and it will be cold! But warm too!

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