(Menu of Arts Projects for the Road Through Paris)

Welcome to the “Menu des Projets d’Art pour la Route à Travers Paris” or the “Menu of Arts Project for the Road through Paris.” As we’re gearing up for a couple of big mobilizations this November and December, I put together a menu of some favorite art projects to do together with your group, friends or community.

We will be pushing world governments to agree to a climate deal that’s in line with the imperatives of science and justice: keep 80% of fossil fuels in the ground and finance a just transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050. And we will keep building a global movement to make it happen whether or not they listen — so let’s get building!

Le menu:


Sunflowers are becoming a symbol for climate justice movements across North America–from Detroit, to Richmond, CA to New York City to Minnesota. The Farmers Almanac writes, “This bright, cheerful flower has given us a delicious and hardy seed, a versatile cooking oil, leaves for cattle feed, a stem strong enough to make paper, and of course, much beauty” and “the ability to remove harmful toxins from our soil.” Make painted sunflowers on cardboard, paint your message on them, and attach to stick-stems. Make a few, or enough to turn your public event into a field of sunflowers. More details on this menu item here.

26 TAR SANDS Photo- FossilFreeNU:Twitter:@DivestNorthwest)

Pieces of the Solutions Puzzle:

Draw your solutions to climate chaos on puzzle-piece shaped paper (or cardboard or plywood). This project is as simple as pre-cutting the puzzle-piece shaped paper and having art supplies for your friends, groups members, community or students in schools. Make a plan of where you will display these solutions publicly—at a demonstration or event, on the walls at a community space or cafe. The small paper puzzle pieces can be attached to larger cardboard puzzle pieces and carried in the street, put on display, or delivered to power holders who need to be pushed to be part of the solution. More on this project here.

Art Poster Signs:

Make your favorite climate art posters into signs for your event. Use art posters from the new ClimatePrints.org site (and/or use relevant images from your favorite artist–or make your own) that illustrate your message for a public event. Go to site, download image, print out as 11×17 inch in color. To make the image larger, enlarge the 11×17 inch print 150% in two parts (top/bottom) and glue the two parts together to make one large version. You can then glue, tape, or spray adhesive on heavier poster board or painted cardboard. Consider painting or using markers to add large words of your key message in extra space–or just trim down to image size. Repeat to make as many as needed.

Parachute Banner:

Paint a giant banner on a 12 or 24 foot parachute with your message and images. It can be held and carried horizontally, contributing great visibility, energizing games, and also a bit of sun and rain protection at your public gathering or event. Click here for more info on Parachute Banners.

Drum Corps:

Get a group together, make or gather drums, rehearse and play in marches and demonstrations. Drums historically have been a valuable tool in the struggle for social change; they can bring rhythm and festive energy to marches and demonstrations. Click here for more info on Drum Corps projects.

Crossbar Flags:

Painted fabric crossbar style painted fabric flags with sticks on top and bottom and attached to poles are very visible. More here.

“Red Lines Must Not Be Crossed” Banners:

“The red lines idea strikes just the right balance between ‘shut it down’ and ‘do your job’,” says author and campaigner Naomi Klein. “I also think that it is strong enough to grab the narrative, which will be critical if governments try to sell a bad deal as a success.” The idea and image of red lines–as our climate justice movements lines in the sand that must not be crossed is being discussed as a key part of the the December 12th mass action.

There are our global red lines that must not be crossed, like “keeping 80% of fossil fuels in the ground,” or a “just transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050). What disastrous projects in your region cross your communities red line (fracking, pipelines, oil trains, offshore drilling)? Make your red line:

  • Paint a banner with your do-not-cross-our-red-line on it–with the words either on the red line or above it.
  • Draw your red line on the ground–the sidewalk or streets with chalk.
  • Paint your red line on the street or sidewalk (tempera paint is water soluble and washes off your clothes and shoes). Paint a simple bold brushstroke in red with your “do not cross” words painted above/below or it can be a “street mural” involving lots of people. Make a sketch of what you will paint. Draw it in chalk, pour your tempera paint into plastic many containers have brushes ready. It’s faster and more fun to have many hands; invite other to paint and have lots of bushes and containers.

“Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art.” -Ursula Le Guin

Bon appétit!

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