While 10/10/10 is mostly about citizen action, we’ve seen some impressive government action this week that we think deserves some applause.  President Obama’s solar announcement on Tuesday, President Nasheed’s solar installation yesterday.  And then this morning, Mexico City mayor Marcelo Ebrard joined in with 350’s own Marcelo Quintanilla, Ana Romero of Presencia Ciudadana, and Martha Delgado, the Environment Secretary of Mexico City to make an important announcement: the city of 22 million is committing to reducing its emissions by 10% in the coming year as its action for 10/10/10.  

Many of you may be thinking, “Yeah, they’re just signing for the photo opportunity.”  But Ebrard didn’t just sign on the dotted line, he and Martha Delgado spent about 20 minutes outlining the different programs they have in the works to increase the 3.5% reductions they’ve already achieved to 10.  Their notable plans include opening a new line of the Metrobus (bus rapid transit), expanding their bike sharing program and bike lane system, building a new subway line, taking old taxis off the road with incentives, and implementing new recycling and waste reduction programs.

We know if we’re to truly tackle climate change, we’ll need absolutely everyone – citizens, government, businesses and more – to dedicate their energies to this challenge.  Thanks to Mexico City’s government for stepping up – ¡Manos a la obra!

Mexico City mayor Marcelo Ebrard detailing the city’s plans to reduce emissions 10% in the coming year.

If you’re in Mexico City, come on out to the event in Chapultepec Park this Sunday at 10am!


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