October is a month to mobilize. You saw the email I sent out earlier today about the work parties–and in this post, I want to talk about another mobilization we're all really excited to see happen.

It's called One Nation Working Together, and it's a march on Washington in support of the idea that those of us who live in the U.S. still believe in hope and change, and the fact that we can make our country better.

Tens of thousands of people will join together in Washington, and we hope you can make it out there! The march is convened by many labor, civil rights, immigration, peace, and LGBTQ groups. Environmental groups are helping out too!

There's a whole lot of division and  conflict in the political discourse in the US (that's one of the reason I take so much inspiration  from what our international 350 colleagues are up to), and I'm so grateful to be part of something that represents the spirit of unity and diversity.

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